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Partner Guidance
Generate a tracking link as a Partner
Generate a tracking link as a Partner

As a partner in Intelitics, learn how to generate your tracking links

Written by Andrew Alvarado
Updated over a week ago

Once your admin has added you to an offer via a subagreement you will have the ability to generate your tracking link. Navigate to the offer you would like to generate a tracking link for:

  • When viewing an offer click the “creatives tab”

  • Find the creative desired and click the link button

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  • Marketing Type - this is the type of traffic that will be driving user acquisition to the given offer. Multiple tracking links can be created with various marketing types using a single tracking ID

  • Click Generate link, your link will be displayed below "SubID 5" field. Add on any optional parameters listed below.

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Recommended Tracking Link SubID Structure

We recommend the following structure for a partners tracking links:


s1= Highest level of campaign hierarchy / (eg. partner/accountID)

s2= 2nd level (eg. Campaign)

s3= 3rd level (eg. Ad Set)

s4=Most granular level of campaign hierarchy (eg. Ad ID)

s5= unique click ID required for S2S postback

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