If an Advertiser that is unable to integrate the Intelitics Smart pixels on their platform you can upload conversion data via a CSV upload.
Navigate to Tech>Import CSV
Select your Conversion Type:
Click ID (Standard) - Select if you are importing data by clickid.
Tracking ID - In the instance that an Advertiser is unable to pass you back a clickid you can upload conversion data by your tracking ID.
Below is the template needed for importing data via Click ID:
clickid - Intelitics click id
registeredAt - (Optional), date of registration. If left blank, time of upload will be entered.
depositedAt - (Optional), date of deposit. If left blank, time of upload will be entered.
registration - Binary (1=registered, 0=not registered)
deposit - Binary (1=registered, 0=not deposited)
amount - amount deposited
currency - USD, EUR, GBP
NGR - (Optional) Total Net gaming revenue value.
netRevenueCurrency - (Optional), USD, EUR, GBP. Should be utilized alongside any "NGR" columns.
Below is the template needed for importing data via Tracking ID
trackingid - Tracking ID of your Intelitics tracking link
β(Ex: https://yourcustomdomain.com/track/d34bc2e4-9159-47a2-acd8-1f72b37f88a2)
playerId - (Optional)
registrations - Binary (0 or 1)
firstTimeDeposits - Binary (0 or 1)
currency - USD, EUR, GBP
NGR - (Optional) Total Net gaming revenue value.
If you are overriding any existing data please check "Override" and select date.
Once you have your data in its appropriate conversion type format hit "Submit".