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Log-In Issues

In some cases of multiple logins, or user behavior which might look suspicious to our privacy authenticator. Here's how to fix these.

Written by Matt Lawless
Updated over 3 years ago

In some cases of multiple logins, or user behavior which might look suspicious to our privacy authenticator, web pages might not display correctly. This is in place to prevent malicious activity within an Intelitics instance. Here are some common fixes:

Log out and close all active Intelitics windows

If logged into the platform, please log out and log back in. It is potentially useful to close out of all active tabs of the Intelitics platform.

Clear Cookies

Some browsers might be storing incorrect or old cookies related to the Intelitics platform. This can have the potential to get blocked when attempting a login. On whichever browser you are using, try clearing all browser cookies and reattempt login.


  1. Open Chrome.

  2. In the top right corner of the browser you will see three dots, which indicates a settings menu.

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Advanced.”

  4. Click on the section “Clear browsing data.”

  5. Under the “All cookies and site data” section, you can customize which cookies to delete based on a specific time range and other options. Finally, you can complete the deletion by clicking “Clear data.” You can also clear your cache, which is where your computer stores previously viewed websites so they can be loaded faster on future visits.


  1. Open Firefox on your computer.

  2. In the upper right-hand corner of the browser, click the “menu bars,” which look like three parallel lines, and click the “Privacy” tab.

  3. Here you can select “Clear your recent history.”

  4. Be sure that only “Cookies” is checked, and then select the time frame for which you would like to delete your cookies. If you want to delete all cookies, select “Everything.”

  5. Double-check your selections to make sure that other items you want to keep are not selected, and then hit “Clear now.”


  1. Open Safari.

  2. Select “Preferences” from the dropdown Safari menu.

  3. Click on “Privacy,” then on “Manage Website Data.”

  4. Click on “Remove all” from the dropdown menu.

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