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Subagreement Grouped Tiers

How agreement tiers work; tiers

Written by Andrew Alvarado
Updated over a week ago

You may add Subagreement grouped Tiers to an Agreement or Subagreement in addition to the payout. When a tier is enabled, once a specific metric is hit all payable payments will be updated to new tiered payout.

Please note Tiers will reset each month, updating a Subagreement will also reset the tiers.

To enable subagreement grouped tiers, hit the Partner tier slider in your desired Agreement (Default or Subagreement):

Add Tier Level - Click to add a tier to your agreement

Tier Grouping Type - Select "Subagreement​"

Threshold Type - First Time Deposit, Net Revenue, Qualified Deposit.
Can have multiple threshold types per tier level, all threshold types must be met to receive tiered payout.

Threshold - Number of players or Net Revenue amount needed to activate your tier.

Example 1​ ($250 CPA)

Tier 1

Threshold Type - Qualified Deposit
Threshold - 3, tier adjustment will activate beginning on the 3rd qualified player received from user.
CPA Amount - 275, 3rd player will receive CPA payout of 275, 1st and 2nd players will have their payouts updated to 275.

Tier 2

Threshold Type - Qualified Deposit
Threshold - 5, beginning on 5th player tier 2 will be paid. Once tier 2 is activated players 1-4 will get their payouts updated to 300.
CPA Amount - 300, 5th player will receive CPA payout of 300.

Example 2 ($50 CPA)

Tier 1

Threshold 1

Threshold Type - First Time Deposit
Threshold - 2

Threshold 2

Threshold Type - Net Revenue
Threshold - 200
CPA Amount - 60, 2nd FTD player will receive CPA payout of 80, 1st player will have their payout updated to 60. Players must also accumulate a total of $200 in net revenue to receive updated payout.

Tier 2

Threshold 1

Threshold Type - First Time Deposit
Threshold - 3

Threshold 2

Threshold Type - Net Revenue
Threshold - 300

CPA Amount - 70, 3rd FTD player will receive CPA payout of 70, 1st and 2nd players will have their payouts updated to 70. Players must also accumulate a total of $300 in net revenue to receive updated payout.

CPA Amount (CPA and Hybrid Commission Type only) - Amount paid per player on given tier.

RS % (Hybrid and Revshare Commission Type only) - Percentage of revshare paid on given tier.

You are able to add as many tiers to an Agreement or Subagreement as desired.

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