When entering a Destination Tracking Link into a creative, Intelitics supports the following Token Value placeholders:
%click_id% - the ClickID created by Intelitics for every unique link click
%partner_id% - Partner ID of the user assigned to the link
%marketing_type% - Marketing type assigned to the link
%s1% - SubID 1 Variable passed into link by partner
%s2% - SubID 2 Variable passed into link by partner
%s3% - SubID 3 Variable passed into link by partner
%s4% - SubID 4 Variable passed into link by partner
%s5% - SubID 5 Variable passed into link by partner
If account pools are enabled you may enter the variable name(s) surrounded by β%β
Eg. If the variable is called βvar1β enter %var1%